

Sunday 27 July 2014

In Da Club

                On Friday the stars aligned and Sarah and I both had the night off. I had worked a day shift (so rare for me) and Sarah’s night shift, unfortunately for her, got cancelled. I got back around 7pm and we had some pizza and watched Gossip Girl for awhile. As per usual, the characters on Gossip Girl went to a nightclub. I mentioned how I wanted to go dancing and Sarah agreed. There’s a really popular club, Faces, five minutes away. So we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to go.
                Have you ever noticed that when you have to get ready for work or something it takes an hour? But when you decide to suddenly go clubbing you’re dressed, made up and out the door twenty minutes later? Weird how that happens. We headed to the club where there was already a line at 10pm. And all the girls were gorgeous, dressed to the nines. Part of me is shocked we even got in. It’s not like Calgary: even the bouncers were wearing suits and bowties. It also turned out to be ladies night so we got in for free! Note to selves: if going to Faces, go on Friday.
                The club didn’t live up to my expectations originally. This is one of the most well-known clubs outside of Central London. In Calgary I went out all the time but I haven’t been to a nightclub in London since I moved here. And you walk in and there’s literally two bars, a huge VIP area you can’t even get into, and the tiniest little dance floor. It was underwhelming. But then, around 10:30pm, the walls opened up to reveal a much bigger area!
                The music wasn’t great. It was a lot of dance and house music, and then switched to rap. I can get down with rap (they played Niggas In Paris which is like the greatest song of all time and everyone knew all the words and it was awesome) but at clubs I tend to prefer Top 40 and classic pop hits and stuff. Singing along while dancing is really fun. Don’t ruin that for me, Faces! So the music isn’t as good as Calgary. But the décor? Absolutely. Calgary’s clubs basically look like a plain box with some lights and bars set up. Faces is really swanky looking. Overall it seems like a pretty decent club. It’s surprisingly cheap and looks beautiful.  I just don’t like the music. But the important thing is IT’S ONLY FIVE MINUTES AWAY. So once we got bored/Sarah had to work really early we just left. No $40 cab ride, no night bus adventure. Walked home and were back by 1am.
                And now I’ve got the club itch out of my system. At least for a little while.

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